Spring Senior Session | Oatlands Plantation

High School Senior Looking close up looking at camera blue eyes


Um… okay so those eyes… I had the best time with this Senior at Oatlands Plantation just outside of Leesburg Virginia. Oatlands is a really great location Spring, Summer or Fall. It has so many really beautiful options.

Spring Sessions with Seniors are pretty amazing because they look like they do when they are graduating. As a parent you know how much your kids change in the course of a year. Their Senior year is no different! If you are considering a Spring Session, I suggest getting on my calendar as early as you can so we have time to get them back to you to use for their Graduation announcements.

Girl looking down, close up of eye lashes.
Girl with dogwood branch
Senior girl posing on steps touching he hair
High School girl walking and smiling

Spring Senior Session | Fauquier County